Indian Toilets Vs Western Toilets

Squatting in the toilet may be considered uncivilized today but what we don’t know is that while sitting on western toilets may seem to take the strain off our body, it actually strains us in worse ways than we know. 

This is leading to a number of gut related issues that at one point barely existed when we were willingly squatting.

 Naturopaths, holistic health experts as well as medical doctors have been long talking about the health hazards of modern toilets.

Sitting in the toilet increases your chances to get disorders like bloating, hemorrhoids and constipation. 

It is also because when you sit rather than squat, you often strain to fix the restricted anorectal angle.

Modern day toilet is convenient, but has one major fault, it requires sitting, which kinks our colon and block the flow of waste.

Many studies have shown that natural squat position improves our ability to eliminate. 

When you raise your knees above your hips, the body relaxes certain muscles, turning what many people are familiar with as a debate between body parts into a simple.

It’s really a matter of preference when we talk about Indian or Western toilets. 

While most households are installing western toilets, there are many who still prefer the Indian style toilet.
It goes without saying that western toilets are comfortable but they have many disadvantages too. 

Reasons why Indian style toilets are better than the western style toilets.

1.​Indian toilets keep you fitter:
Squatting in Indian toilets makes you exercise every day, which is good for your overall health.

2.​Indian toilets are eco-friendly:
You use toilet paper in Western toilets, which also leads to wastage of paper. There is no paper wastage in case of Indian toilets. Western toilets require even more water as compared to Indian toilets.

3.​Indian toilets are good for pregnant women:
Using Indian toilets benefit pregnant women as they have to squat while using them. There is no pressure on the uterus while a pregnant woman sits on the Indian toilet. It is even said that using Indian toilet regularly makes pregnant women ready for a smooth and natural delivery.

4.​It can prevent colon cancer and other diseases;
Squatting helps in the complete evacuation of the stool from the colon in our body. This prevents the chances of constipation, appendicitis and other factors that can cause colon cancer.

"There's no place like home. And there's no toilet like your own."

Gavi's Touch Of Health and Fitness:


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